I love fall. This year, however, fall seems to bring a new season into our family in many different ways.
Every change of season brings about a new beginning. Some love spring and summer, and some even love winter. I personally love fall, and yet others see it as an end to the good part of the year. Seasons remind me of the trials we face in life. And no matter what life may hand you, it is not the circumstance that defines your happiness, it is how you decide to think and feel and react to the circumstance that defines not only your contentment but also your character.
I am learning to stop and enjoy the true joys life has to offer. Lunch with an old friend, laughter that makes your side hurt, little boys laughing, my dad's smile, running into old friends. I believe that a life with purpose is one that makes others better.
That was why my mom was so great. She made others around her better. As I enter into the thankful season, I am really going to try to work on living a life of gratitude and joy. Because honestly, what better thing does this life offer us than joy?
We just returned from a weekend at a hotel so that Kaden could swim. His smile told it all. The joy of a 9 year old swimming for the first time in 4 months. The sound of his laugh and the sight of his glowing face as he plunged in over and over is one that will be with me for a long time.
It is a true reminder that the greatest things in life are free. Really and truly they are.
Well, I think your mom would be very proud of how you are navigating this process; all this pain and heartache and trying to push the happy stuff through it. You give me strength and hope to keep pushing on as well. WHY does it seem so hard to what...be joyful with every moment and not think about the things/people mostly that you miss and wish you could have next to you all the time? I guess we are all "wired" differently, some with their cup fuller than others (ha!). Keep pushin' on Rachelle, you truly are an inspiration to others. Love you.