Friday, November 20, 2009

My Dear Jamie

When I say, BEST FRIEND, who comes to your mind? If you are like me, you run through life and think of the many, many best friends you are surrounded by. Someone that I work for once said, "Oh that's your other 5th best friend." I have so many wonderful women in my life whose friendship I adore and treasure.

However, if I say, "CHILDOOD BEST FRIEND," I bet only one name pops into your mind. My childhood best friend, high school partner in crime, and maid of honor in my wedding was Jamie. She was the person that first caused milk to come out of my nose because I laughed so hard. She is the person that cried with me over my first broken heart, the person that sang off-key with me in my first car that had no radio, she was my friend when my mom first had cancer, she was my childhood best friend, and she is still the smartest person I have encountered on this earth.

When mom passed away this year she wrote pages of memories about her time at our house with mom. When important life events happen, we always reconnect and say we need to see more of each other, and then life moves forward and we lose touch again.

Well, today I am heading back to our hometown to be there as she buries her son, Jake. He was only able to grace this earth for a few short days. Why is it that life has to be so damn hard? Why is it that hurt cannot be spared from anyone? I don't know the answers to those questions, but I do know that if it were not for friendship this world would be a lonely horrible place.

I ask anyone reading this blog to say a prayer for my sweet, sweet friend. She and her husband Tim are going to need extraordinary strength that can only come from the Lord to make it through these next few weeks, holidays, years and life.

I ached to see, hug and comfort my friend. I wish more than anything she could be spared from this grief. As another great friend of mine says, friendship helps multiply the love and divides the grief. I hope that is in someway true.

If I have learned anything through the many sorrows I have witnessed in my adult life, it is that we are never promised tomorrow. We must embrace the day, love those in our path, and live each day to glorify our Lord and Savior because everything else just doesn't matter.


  1. I am very sorry for all those that are suffering with the news of this loss. I'm certain as there is no scale to measure which losses are more hurtful, more scorching to the soul, or harder to bear; at this moment I certainly cannot imagine losing any one that I love. The anticipation and excitement that come with a new baby is full of joy. Thus, the deep sorrow that follows, well I can only imagine is unbearable. I dont' know Jamie, but I am praying for her and her family. As always, I will pray for you Rachelle to continue to muster the strength to take care of you, as I know you will give Jamie all that you have to get through this.

  2. I understand enormous grief and the challenges of trying to live while your heart is breaking over the death of someone you love. There aren't any words to explain that. My prayers are with you always and especially for your friend Jamie and her family, and of course Jake.
