Thursday, April 9, 2009

Life's Not Fair, but God is Good

Mom used to say that to me all of the time. I can remember even in High School when my feelings would be hurt, and mom would say, "Rachelle, life's not fair." I would always sigh and tell her I hated it when she said that, and the she would say, "But, God is good."

Today has been a hard day. Daddy is in South Carolina having a hard day. I'm here having a hard day. Aunt Vicki is in California having a hard day. Grandma and Popsie are in Charleston having a hard day. Life sure doesn't seem fair today. Yet, as I look at my boys, as I read the Scipture I know God is good.

I have received countless cards, flowers, gifts, texts, emails from so many, and it helps so much. I see the good through the love of those around me. It reminds me that this life is meant to build our character, it is meant to draw us the One that can sustain us. I promised mom that I would be alright. I promised her that I would be happy. Today, I have failed in that promise, but tomorrow is a new day.

I am choosing to have a good day tomorrow, because a great life is always a choice.


  1. Your mom always had such a great smile and from the looks of those pictures she passed it on to you. Hopefully you can find the strength to let it shine for all to see. Thinking of you, Kim Meese

  2. Rachelle, I am thinking of you and your family. I wish I could be there to give you a big hug!! I miss you much and we will get together soon. I don't have wise words to say to you, but I love you and if you need a good laugh or a good cry I am here!! --Stacy

  3. rachelle, i am praying for you. and all i know is that He WILL carry you through this. love, michelle
