Sunday, April 26, 2009

You Never Have To Do Something For The First Time, TWICE!

Wow, Carder had a FANTASTIC time at his party. With crazy dark clouds all around us, we managed to have just one little rain shower during the whole party. Great friends of mine helped make the Pokemon theme come to life, and he thought is was, "The best party ever!"

We cleaned up, ate a fantastic dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches, and then took to bed for an early night. However, at 3, the birthday boy woke to horrible chills and a very high fever. Poor little guy! Papaw took off for Walmart in search of pain reliever, and since he was up and awake, he hit the road for South Carolina.

He should be reaching home within a few hours, and we have chilled on the couches hoping the fever will pass. Nate had a great day at church and a leadership meeting with some exciting things coming to our church future in the upcoming weeks.

With all of life swirling in a positive direction, I still ache for mom horribly. She always encouraged me with, "You never have to do something for the first time twice. And it is always easier the second, third, etc." She first told me that when I got my first teaching job. I was nervous about every part of it. She would tell me to just take it one thing at a time and remember that after I did, I'd never have to experience that first-time anxiety again.

Well, we've made it through our first Easter without mom and our first birthday party. I don't know that easier will be the word for the second, third and many more to come, but I do think mom was wise in saying that there is an anxiety that comes with the firsts that time heals and conquers with the events that follow. At least that is my hope and prayer.

Much love to those that loved mom and continue to love and support our family.

1 comment:

  1. Always be full of joyin the Lord. Phil 4:4

    When you can't praise God for what he has allowed, we can thank Him for who he is in the
    midst of what he has allowed.

    This was from my bible study this morning. Thinking of you and praying for you.
    Be blessed.
